I. Installation notes:

0. Supported software:

- JOnAS Application Server 4.4.2:

- PostgreSQL 7.3 (or higher):
7.4: http://www.postgresql.org/ftp/source/v7.4.8
7.3: http://www.postgresql.org/ftp/source/v7.3.10

Let us know about problems with other versions.

1. Deploying application

Download file:
- picocms-0.1.tgz

Unpack the archive and deploy picocms.ear and publisher.ear into JOnAS apps 
directory ($JONAS_ROOT/apps), after that copy configuration files into JOnAS
configuration directory ($JONAS_ROOT/conf).

2. Database

a) PicoCMS
Database PostgreSQL in version 7.3 or higher is required.
On PostgreSQL create database 'picocms', user 'picocms' with password 'picocms'.
After that proper tables must be created, run script picocms.sql in PostgreSQL

$ psql picocms -U picocms
# \i picocms.sql

Some database configuration options may be tuned in PostgreSQL2.properties inf
configuration directory.

Don't forget to copy proper PostgreSQL jar to JOnAS lib directory 
($JONAS_ROOT/lib/ext), libraries for 7.3 and 7.4 are included.

b) HypersonicSQL

HSQL is part of JOnAS, so it just needs HSQL2.properties in conf directory.

Proper tables must be created so publisher.sql must be executed using ant
with build.xml:

$ ant 

3. Run application

After starting up JOnAS, deploy oth applications:

$ jonas admin -a picocms.ear
$ jonas admin -a publisher.ear

4. Application links


complaints: cnm -at- astercity -dot- net, subject: [PicoCMS]